My larger Slatington Area History project includes
- The Slatington News Project: An exploration in reconstructing the past from newspaper fragments
- a Timeline of Slatington History
- some Slatington Historical Statistics (based on U.S. census data)
- Slatington Past and Present: An online map exhibit
- The Old Churches of Slatington: An ArcGIS Online map story
- The School Buildings of Slatington, Pennsylvania (a Pinterest board)
- Some People from Slatington's Past
- The Rauch Brothers and The Slatington News
- The Berlin Family in Slatington
- Some informal comments about studying Slatington history
- A historical survey of the former Lehigh Slate Company Mantel Factory
- A historical survey of the former Lehigh Water Gap Chain Bridge Toll House (now listed on the National Register of Historic Places)
- research on the former Cherryville tavern and also the operations of the Mauser Mill Company in the Lehigh Valley
World War I projects
- The Great War: Materials
- Data Visualizations of the Great War, 1914-1918
- French World War I Translations
- Jean Galtier-Boissière and the War of Maneuver in 1914 (translation of Jean Galtier-Boissière, En rase campagne, 1914. Un hiver à Souchez, 1915-1916)
- The Great War through French eyes (translation of Georges Boucheron, L'Assaut: l'Argonne et Vauquois avec la 10e division, 1914-1915, and supporting materials)
- World War I: Last Letters of French Soldiers (translations of selected letters from French soldiers who died in battle)
- Sergeant Lefèvre in the Great War, 1914-1916 (translation of Le carnet de campagne du sergent Lefèvre, 1914-1916, and supporting materials)
- French Memoirs of the Great War: Some Initial Comparative Thoughts
- Joffre and the French Mission to the United States, 1917 (2023)
- The seventeen men from the Slatington area gave their lives in World War I
Some other history projects
Digital Experiments with Historical Maps (a few recent, online map experiments including Slatington Past and Present)
Experiments with Data Visualizations (some older projects using Google Charts and some newer projects using Tableau Public)
Some assorted scholarly papers and remarks. My most recent paper is "The Changing Face of Higher Education: Northern Virginia Community College and the Corporatization of Higher Education."
Some older history projects
HIS 218 Introduction to Digital History: an online course that introduces new technology for teaching and learning about history, designed especially for our Public History and Historic Preservation certificate program
Historical Memory: History as experienced and remembered by students and their families (an online archival database)
Northern Virginia Digital History Archive: An experimental digital history archive to document the history of Northern Virginia in the past fifty years
A Cultural History of the Last Fifty Years: An Interpretative Personal Timeline
Rock's 25 Greatest Albums: 1965 to 1985 from someone who lived with this music
Comparing World War II Experiences in the French and American Armies
Amadou Hampâté Bâ and the Uncertain Fortunes of French West Africa
Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Critic of the Dutch Colonial World and Decolonization in Indonesia
Studying Russian History and Culture (Reflections by scholars on their study of Russian history and culture)
The Paris Peace Conference and the Treaty of Versailles: The Remaking of Europe in 1919
Historians I have Known aka What It Takes to Become a Historian, or Famous Historians I Have Known
Russian History Course Documents for HIS 241 (History of Russia I) and HIS 242 (History of Russia II)
The Holocaust in Poland (a collaborative presentation with Professor Andrew Wise)
Social media
Digital Experiments in Teaching History: An old blog where I used to sometimes post about my teaching with technology experiments
Russian History blog: An even older blog where I now rarely post to support my Russian history courses
Blog for NOVA's Public History and Historic Preservation Certificate Program
NOVA's Public History and Historic Preservation Program on Facebook
Wikipedia contributions
Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company
Northern Lehigh School District
Hermann L. Weber (Magicpedia entry)
Some teaching projects on which I am no longer actively working
My Chancellor's Commonwealth Professorship grant project (a two-year effort to rethink the teaching of our history survey courses)
Achieving the Dream and HIS 101 at Northern Virginia Community College: our initiative for the History of Western Civilization I survey course at the Loudoun campus and at the Extended Learning Institute
The New Web Design Center: Thoughts on website design
Project Pedagogy: Ideas for Better Teaching, A Loudoun Campus Resource for Adjunct (and full-time) Instructors (a second edition with Jennifer Lerner)
Advancing the Humanities through Technology at Community Colleges: A National Education Project Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Some media experiments
History Videos: Igorcat's Channel (My YouTube channel with videos for my history courses)
ItunesU for Northern Virginia Community College formerly had some audio and video for my history courses.
Some older experimental digital projects
The Poetry Corner (with short stories too!)
My online Art Gallery
Some projects that have disappeared from the web
The Loudoun Digital Humanities Project: Our initiative for the History of Western Civilization I survey course at the Loudoun campus and at the Extended Learning Institute of NOVA
The Humanities in the Twenty-First Century: A faculty humanities workshop at Northern Virginia Community College funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities
Teaching the Humanities in a World Wide Web Environment: A National Endowment for the Humanities focus grant, spring 1998
Globalizing Regional Studies: crossing tntellectual, institutional and international borders, strengthening area studies through world history (website somewhat available)
Dogwood Project: an experimental virtual learning environment at Northern Virginia Community College
An Office Tour (You may view a short Quicktime video (7.6M) about my campus office.)
An Office Panorama (If your computer is equipped with Quicktime, you can view my campus office from a "virtual reality" perspective.)
Links to some of my more recent presentations
My online and campus courses and some teaching resources are located on my college page.